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Saturday 23 March 2013

Best made plans - Quick, aromatic Oven baked Curry

British weather! Here I am all organised, set to return from Mums today. I have my chicken defrosting in the fridge ready to make something tasty with, when I awake to a winter wonderland. Yes, there beautifully coating the grass is a gleaming couple of inches of fresh snow. Was this forecast? I don't think so. Not being so keen on driving in the white stuff I delay the inevitable and leave later than planned to return home. As it happened I needn't have worried as there was hardly any on my homeward journey! So, returning layer than expected, what do I do with my chicken? Here is a quick fix.

I came across this recipe whilst hosting a Pampered Chef party (another story for another day, but I am now the 'Q' of kitchen gadgets). It is very quick to prepare and was enjoyed by all with all requesting the recipe. You can use what you have got, if you don't have it just leave it out, but using it all gives it a very authentic flavour. Making it the day before really marinates the flavours, but if like me today, you are in a rush just knock it up and enjoy! 

One baked curry which smells amazing

Quick Chicken Curry:

4/5 chicken breasts
1/4 jar masala paste ( I used Patak's Tikka Masala paste it only has ingredients I would use in a home cooked curry no artificial flavours or colours)
250g Greek yogurt
1 red onion
1 garlic clove
1 fresh green chilli
1 inch piece of root ginger
tin of tomatoes 
Bunch of fresh coriander
Juice of 1 lemon
2/3 tsp cumin seeds
Knob of butter

Heat the cumin seeds with the butter in the microwave until the seeds start to pop.
Mix all the rest of the ingredients and marinate if time.
Bake at 160°c for about 45 mins until the chicken is cooked through.

As you can see my dish will require a bit of soaking, actually thinking of trying this in a casserole dish next time.

Some links you might be interested in:

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