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Thursday 21 March 2013

And here it all begins

Like many others of you out there, I am a busy, working Mum of two trying to continue a career and run a home and juggle a number of balls at the same time. Throughout all of this the one thing I am passionate about is...FOOD!

Where many dread the daily question 'what shall I cook for dinner tomorrow' I relish the challenge each new day brings. Now don't get me wrong, I am not one of these wonder Mum's who produces gourmet meals daily in a Stepford wife fashion, rather I cook what I like to think are healthy, well balanced meals most of the family will enjoy (depending on my nearly 4 year old's mood). Which are quick to prepare (yes, 4pm onwards is the witching hour with two tired grizzly little ones), varied and most of all tasty. I want food my husband and I will enjoy not something just for children, but something that will get all plates clean at the end and an exclamation of yummy! In fact, there is no more satisfying sight than my two little ones peering into the oven at my latest experiment in excitement (or starvation/ trepidation?).

So, I hear you ask, why am I writing this blog? I would love to share with you my successes and failures and I am hoping that I might even inspire others out there who have the same desire to feed their families good homecooked food that won't break the bank or take many laborious hours to produce. So, happy cooking please let me know what you think.

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